Profile PictureTom Rothsey

Calming and Repopulating the Gut (share with up to 5 friends)

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Modern life results in dysfunction of the gut. This information-packed mini book presents an original, unique, and tested protocol for calming, healing, and repopulating the gut based on the model of the colonisation of the infant gut. This natural approach addresses destruction of biofilms and removal of pathogenic bacteria, and explains how to repopulate the gut in the way that most resonates with the natural acquisition of probiotic bacteria in the human animal.

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Contents of the book, which also contains colour photographs and two sample elimination diet tables.

1. What is fermentation? - A quick overview of fermentation

2. The ecology of fermentation - Ecosytems of the lactic acid vegetable ferment and the human gut are discussed

3. Probiotics - Probiotics, prebiotics,and metabiotics

4. Inflammation and resetting the gut - we look at the importance if inflammation in human disease, and introduce the concept of "resetting" the compromised gut

5. Calming the gut - trigger food elimination and other issues surrounding diet and reduction of inflammation

6. Starving out pathogenic and non-probiotic bacteria - to repopulate the gut, first we must clear it of pathogens that have co-opted probiotic bacteria niches

7. Natural antibiotics - man made antibiotics predispose us to gut dysbiosis by favouring pathogens. Natural antibiotics work differently. Find out how here

8. Healing the gut

9. Vegan gut healing

10. Gut repopulation protocol - this protocol of my own devising utilises the similarity between bacterial succession within a sauerkraut ferment and the natural acquisition of probiotic bacteria in the new born human

11. Replenish the gut

12. Final word - a final word, the very final word of which is 'love'

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32 pages
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Calming and Repopulating the Gut (share with up to 5 friends)

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